Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday Tidbit: Get and Stay Organized!

By this time of year, I have collected quite a few documents of varying degrees of importance.  Ranging from the most basic (an updated birthday list for my class) to more specific (who is allergic to peanuts or has an inhaler?).   Instead of keeping all of these things in a folder simply called “important papers”,  I decided to be a little more organized this year.  I bought a 3 ring binder (1/2 inch was the perfect size) and made a cute cover page with my name and class on it to slide in the clear plastic cover.  Then I developed a set of dividers to help organize all of my papers and information.  (Feel free to use the set I made below!)

I put these into plastic page protectors and then put them in the order that I use them in my folder.  Finally, I went through all of my documents, records, and papers and put them in my folder, behind the appropriate section.  This has become a lifesaver!  It sits on my desk during the day so, at a glance, I can easily locate a child’s reading level, see who has an upcoming birthday, or verify who is a parent pick up on Friday.  At the end of the day, my binder goes in my bag so I have email addresses, behavior records, and growth charts at my fingertips at home.  In addition, this serves as a GREAT tool for a substitute!  No more frantically trying to remember all of the important “stuff” to tell a sub at the last minute....I just tell them to refer to my binder!  It has worked wonderfully and I just wanted to share in case you have the same pile or folder of “important things” that is quickly growing out of control!  If you are in need of a set of high quality organizational forms, please check out my Beginning of Year Teacher Survival Kit!  It is HALF PRICE for the week!

Happy Teaching!  Jen

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